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Your home may be the largest single investment you ever make! As you plan to invest, it’s important to understand the home’s current condition. You will receive a complete, non-invasive evaluation of the home’s accessible structure, systems, and components, complete with a modern, easy-to-navigate report documenting findings. While a home inspection can’t reveal every concern that may potentially exist, it will significantly reduce your anxiety by arming you with the knowledge needed to make an informed homebuying decision. Selling? A Pre-Listing inspection can help identify and prioritize repair needs prior to putting your home on the market. Whether buying or preparing to sell, a home inspection is a valuable tool!


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Especially as a new homeowner, an Annual Home Maintenance Inspection can help you understand and plan for the demands of maintaining your home properly. Some tasks are seasonal, and some items require more frequent attention. Let me help you start on the path of responsible homeownership by identifying any existing issues and providing information about what should be done regularly to keep your home in top condition. Even if you’re a veteran homeowner, a home inspection can verify whether your home’s maintenance is sufficient, or whether any problems have developed during the past year.



While primarily based on square footage, there are other variables that may affect the cost of a home inspection. The presence of a crawl space, any detached structures being inspected, or remote locations requiring long travel times are typical examples. We’d be happy to take your call, text, or email and provide you with a quote!

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With every full home inspection, first-time homebuyers will receive this home maintenance book featuring information on how a home works, how to maintain it, and how to improve energy-efficiency. It also includes helpful seasonal home maintenance checklists.

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